grey-area, black-market, shadow-walkers. we know who we are and we need tell no-one else. the world is unfriendly to us: stigmatizes, criticizes, incarcerates...for doing nothing more than choosing inner over outer reality as the primary focus zone, aidi
In which I explain, succinctly this time, what I am doing here.
Published on February 29, 2004 By monde In Misc
JoeUser seems like a pretty straight place. I've had a look around and it's kind of unnerving.

I realize that I'm walking into a hornet's nest here, bringing a very controversial issue that very few understand the way I do, into this fray.

I'm here to learn as well as to teach.

A little background on myself. I'm an ex-junkie who got off heroin in 1992 and since then have gotten myself on something of a mission. When I realized that I might have never tried heroin had I not been lied to about other drugs which were not as damaging to my life, I got angry about the lies and decided I'd do all I could to help right the wrong.

I began using drugs when I was sixteen years of age. If I had it to do over again I would have waited until high school and college were behind me. Today I am less functional than the average head in her thirties. I don't want to be "clean and sober". I DO want to become less introspective since I'm already really good at that, and learn how to balance my mind, budget my time, all those things that help a person function in the world.

A note about comments. Please do not tell me to "get help". I'm already getting as much help as I choose to.
Please do not tell me to stop using. Note that I have given up most drugs already simply because my body can only take so much in its later years. I quit alcohol and cigarettes in the mid nineties and really only have one "vice" - and that's not something I'm willing to give up.

Idiotic insults will be hosed off. Insightful comments will be shared on the blog itself.

I know the last entry was a meandering mess: it was really just a few text files I had lying around, scribbles I'd made while hyper on too much coffee (the legal drugs no one thinks about!) I can be more coherent than that, I assure you.

on Feb 29, 2004
Welcome!!! I'm excited to get to know you friend! This is an awesome site if you stick around a while and get to know the people. Tip: comment on other's blogs often so that they know you!

on Feb 29, 2004
Welcome to the celebrated world of blogging! This is my catharsis, and has helped me a lot.
on Feb 29, 2004
"Drugs are bad, m'kay?" That being said, "clean and sober" are overrated. Welcome aboard.
on Jul 12, 2005
Thank you, Trinite...I'd forgotten about this crazy thing after I got involved with a music project last year and today remembered that maybe I ought to do a little more blogging. And yeah, I'll have more of a look around and get over my commentphobia too.